For reading we are starting a new book called The Crystal Crescent by John Lockyer. I read the front and the back and its about these people called Raki and Tando who go on a space mission to find liquid telotion because the ozone layer has been destroyed and the earth is at risk. On the back cover it says that they find these little blue creatures when they crash land on an unknown planet.
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Monday, 12 October 2020
Thursday, 3 September 2020
August Reflection
Today we did our August reflection. I like doing these reflections because I like to reflect on my learning and see what I have done during the month. We do this every month. I enjoyed making my reflection jazzing it up! I found it tricky to take the perfect August selfie. Here is my reflection:
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
This week and last week for reading we were learning about advertisements and how they convince us to buy that product. We had to find advertisements in a magazine and cut them out. Then we had to glue them in our reading books to make a magazine that has things that make you want to buy the product.
We had to answer some questions, these are the questions: 1. Does the advertisement make you feel something- for example happiness, the desire to belong, or fear? 2. Does the advertisement pay popular celebrities or sports stars to promote the product? 3. Does the advertisement link an idea with the product- for example, does the ad make children feel more grown up when they use the product? 4. Is the advertisement promoting the product buy giving you something for free- for example do you get a toy if you buy a kids meal from a fast food chain?
I put my photos on a google drawing so I can show you why you might want to buy it. I enjoyed making my magazines, I found it tricky to answer the questions.
Here are my google drawings of my advertisements:
Sacrament Word Wall
Here is the gif:
Friday, 28 August 2020
Animals should not be kept in zoos persuasive writing
This week we were learning how to use a rhetorical question, use emotive language and use persuasive language in writing. We had to write a report persuading people not to put animals in zoos. We read a piece of writing telling you to put animals in zoos, then we discussed why we should not keep them in zoos. I enjoyed writing my persuasive writing, I found it tricky to use emotive and persuasive language,
Here is my writing:
Animals should not be kept in zoos
Would you like to be cooped up in a cage with nowhere to go? If not,
then why should animals be cooped
up in a cage? I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos.
It is brutal because in zoos
animals rely on
humans to survive, they are taken away from their habitat and they
are taken away from their families.
Firstly, in captivity animals rely on humans to survive because they lose
their natural instinct to hunt and the
zookeeper's decide when they eat, what they eat, and how much they eat.
Tourists feed them junk food which
makes them fat and it is not part of their natural diet. It is also very unhealthy.
Secondly, they are taken away from their natural habitat.
The lack of space and room to roam around makes them weak, sore and tired.
For example, tigers and lions have a big
space to roam around in the wild but if you take them to a zoo they get locked
up in a cage with not much room to move.
Also, when you take animals from their habitat and into the
zoo it might be too hot or cold for them.
Thirdly, they are taken away from their families.
The babies need their parents or whanau to survive.
Elephants get depressed when they are separated and feel joy when reunited with family.
They need friends and space to thrive
Did you know that elephants can die if they miss their family too much?
In conclusion, I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos. Care for the animals!
Ciara 28/8/20
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Tracey Tawhiao Art
This week we did wevideo's for Cybersmart. We could choose what we could do our wevideo's on but we had to have photos of them. I chose to do my wevideo on Rat traps. We had to use sisomo ( sight, sound and motion) to catch your eyes. It was tricky to get it done in time. I enjoyed making my wevideo. Next time I could do a voice over.Here is my wevideo:
Monday, 24 August 2020
Reading interview
Last Week we read After the Spill. It was about a ship called the MV Rena that crashed in to the Astrolab reef and leaked oil everywhere. The oil washed up on beaches and killed loads of birds and sea life. We had to buddy up and do an interview. One person was the interviewer and the other was a beach cleaner. I was a beach cleaner and my buddy, Selina, was the interviewer. She asked questions and I answered. I found it tricky to video the interview and say my lines right. I enjoyed blogging it and making the props for it.
Here us my interview:
Friday, 21 August 2020
Mary Word cloud
Sacraments of Initiation
Today for R.E we were learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. We had to make a google slide that had the Sacrament, A Symbol of the Sacrament and the Ritual of the Sacrament. I enjoyed making my google slide, And I found it difficult to find good symbols.
Here is my google slide:
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Bird Feeder
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
The Laughing Owl Report
For this week and last week we were studying NZ native animals. We had to write a report on a extinct NZ native animals, I chose the Laughing Owl. We had to use paragraphs and put our information in topics with subheadings. It was really hard to find information because The Laughing Owl is extinct and people don't know a lot about them. I enjoyed writing my report and blogging it. I think I should of put more sentences in each paragraph
Here is my report:
The laughing owl
The laughing owl is an extinct New Zealand bird that belongs to the Sceloglaux albifacies family. It got its name because it made a call that sounded like someone laughing. It was also called the white faced owl, whekau or hakoke.
The laughing owl was a brownish color, it had a white face and dark orange eyes and its beak was a yellowish orange colour.The males were mostly shorter than the females. It was 40 cm high and it weighed 600 grams. Its legs were covered in feathers and it had very sharp claws.
It lived in the country and cliffs rather than bush and forests. They preferred to live in low rainfall areas and rocky cliff areas. It also lived in tree holes before the humans came and cut the trees down.
The laughing owl mostly ate rodents, lizards, insects, frogs, small birds and earthworms. It sometimes ate baby tuatara. Before the humans arrived it ate some species native to New Zealand like kiwi and duck.
Since the laughing owl nested on the ground lots of animals tried to kill it. Cats, Rats, Goats, Weasels, Stoats and ferrets were threats of the laughing owl.
Did you know that some people thought that if you played a tune on an accordion it would attract the laughing owl?
Here is the site that I found my information on:
13/ 8/ 2020
Monday, 17 August 2020
Times Tables Check Up
Friday, 14 August 2020
Ruru Art
This week our class has been making ruru art. We got the idea from an artist called John Bevan fords. We used dye and we made the dyes blend by putting the dyes next to each other and they bled into each other. We drew lines and put patterns inside the lines like korus, triangles and circles. We blended yellow and orange for the eyes and used red for the eye brows and bags under its eyes. We used green and blue for the ruru and dark green and purple for the background. We had to put it on a google drawing and use arrows to point to the bits. When I was making my art I found it quite hard to make the dye blend without messing it up,
I enjoyed blending the colours and putting the patterns inside the lines,
Next time I could make the eyes a bit brighter,
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Faith Gif
For Today's Cybersmart lesson we were making gifs about faith. We used google slides and we used the information on the faith poster to make the set of slides. Then we went onto tall tweets and made our faith gifs.
The faith gif started as a challenge about faith our term value. For the challenge we had to make a poster about faith and what it means to us. It had to have an antonym about faith, a synonym about faith, a bible quote about faith and the faith definition.
While I was making the faith gif I found it really hard to make my slides in time to make it into a gif and put it on my blog.
I really enjoyed making the gif and playing with the colours of the background and fonts of the words.
Next time I would make the gif transition longer so you can have time to read it.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Piwakawaka fact file
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Photo Collage
July reflection
Thursday, 23 July 2020
I enjoyed making my poster,
I found it tricky to find a quote for it,
next time I would add another quote.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
David Walliams fact file
I enjoyed making the fact file and decorating it,
I found it tricky to find the right information,
Next time I would add a colored background.