Showing posts with label Amazing adaptations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing adaptations. Show all posts

Friday, 9 July 2021

Rubric / End of term reflection

 This term my modules were Blast off and Amazing adaptations. In Blast off I have enjoyed working with my buddy and building catapults and rube goldberg machines. The rube gold berg machines were really hard to make because the dominos that we used were too small so we had to change them to jengas. In amazing adaptations we were writing reports on amazing animals. My report is about the fennec fox and I have finished it but I just need to add some things to make it sound really good. In literacy we are watching movies and doing little tasks that go with the movie, the movie that my group is watching is: Horton hears a who. In Numeracy we are doing algebra and simplifying equations, its a little bit hard and I needed help with simplifying algebra equations but otherwise I think i'm doing ok in numeracy. In Te Whare we are learning about saints that went on journeys like Moses, Abraham and Sarah, Saint Paul and Jesus. 

This year the yr7s and yr8s are going on a ski trip. I am going to try and pack my own bag without my Mum helping me. I am really looking forward to skiing in the cold, icy snow.