Friday 11 June 2021


 This week in blast off we built catapults. We had to follow some instructions on how you build them. We made three models, One that is small, one with a triangle base and one with a square base. We had to indentify the energys that catapults hold, when it is launching it has elastic and potencial energy, when it is in the air it has kinetic energy. 

Here are some slides on our recorded data and the instructions so you can build them too:

How to be Cybersafe

 Today in wellbeing class the yr 7s and yr 8s went to the gym and we had Sam the policeman come and talk to us about cyber safety. Here are three things we learnt about being safe online.

1. Don't click on any links that are too good to be true, this result in you losing money from your bank account or having hackers access your account.

2. Don't post personal information, people can access this and then send messages to you and make you think that it's someone different.

3. If you want to post pictures of other people, ask for their permission first

Are there any other ways to be cybersafe?

Fashion Inquiry

 Last Trimester we had to make a inquiry on our fashion decade. We used slides and we had to explain things from our decade like what fashions, colours, prints etc were popular, some information on what magor things occurred like world war ll. 

My water foot print

Today with our peer support buddies we calculated our water footprint. We had to do a quiz and that told us how much water you use a day. Here is a link to the site if you want to find out your water footprint We also found out ways to reduce water, here are some ways you can reduce water:

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth

Have shorter showers 

collect water in the summer

Here is a screen shot of the page so you can see how much water my family uses a day

Can you think of anymore ways to reduce water?