Wednesday 8 September 2021

Project rocket video

 The other day after I made the brainstorm my family and I went on a walk to a park and attempted to launch the baking soda and vinegar rocket. We brought all the materials to the park and set everything up. The rocket launched about half a metre into the air. We figured out why it didn't launch higher, it was because the cork wasn't long enough so it didn't build enough pressure for it to go higher. Next time I will get a longer cork.

Here is a video of the rocket launching:

Four forces diagram

 In Blastoff we are learning about flight. We had to make a diagram of the four forces of flight. we had to label where the thrust, drag, lift and gravity is on an aeroplane. I put arrows to show where they are indicated.

Project rocket Brain storm

In the past week in my Blast off class, we have been learning about rockets. For our project rocket, we have to make a model of a rocket that will actually fly, but there's a catch, we have to make the rocket so it can be built by year 3 students. We also have to teach the students a lesson on forces, we have to make it easy for them to understand, so no big words that they might not know.

Here is a brainstorm on an idea that could work: