Wednesday 12 June 2019

All about ME!!!!!!!

Hi I'm Ciara from St Mary's School in Gisborne. I am the oldest child in my family. I live with my mum, dad, little brother and little sister. I have one pet called Nachos I love arts and crafts. I like to bake with my mum. I am obsessed with tiny things. My favourite sport is Softball / T ball. I love exploring nature and trying new things - for example trying new food. My favourite food is lasagna. This year I'm looking forward to meeting my new teacher because our old one is leaving. My Goal this year is to learn my 4 times tables


  1. Kia Ora, Ciara!
    my name is Jensyn from papakura central school I am a year six going to intermediate next year!

    I love how you included your name and pets name! Nachos is a funny name, Fun fact my favourite dinner is nachos, Don't worry i won't eat nachos :D
    I also am amazed by how you added in your success goals with your all about me.

    I would not of thought of that. I hope that you will learn your four times tables as fast as possible. Maybe next time you could add in your dream job or something you would love to do in the future, (Example)I want to be a champion T-ball person or such like that.

    also maybe you could add in your favourite colour and what you love to bake with your mom. I hope you enjoy your school Courier please check out my blog

    Kind Regards Jensyn

    1. thanks Jensyn for your nice comment!

    2. Hi Ciara I love your school work you must have fun at home with your family bye from chase

  2. best blog ever

  3. I love your posts

    1. how many posts of mine have you seen?

  4. talofa lava Ciara
    my name is Diya i am a year 5 student at papakura central school
    i have realized how similar we are! we both love~ Tiny foods i love nature
    But i am scared at it at the same...
    anyways i think maybe you could add your favorite couler! but i love it how it is

  5. Thanks Diya! if you want to know what my favorite color is it is: pink(and blue).
    I will try to send you a photo of one of the tiny things i have made.
    Kind Regards from Ciara

  6. kia ora Jensyn.we named nachos (the cat) after nachos (the food) beacuase
    when we got her the only thing she would eat was nachos (the food) she also eats peas,popcorn,jam,bread,cheese,ham and somtimes rice.
    from Ciara


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