Friday 27 March 2020

How tall is a Pygmy Marmoset?

Today I made a google drawing to show you how tall an adult Pygmy Marmoset is compared to an adult human.
I enjoyed researching how tall an adult Pygmy Marmoset is,
I found it tricky to color the word art so it stands out but you can still read it,
My learning object shows i can use google image search to find images.

March reflection

This Month we did a lot of things, so its good to reflect on the fun times we had and the hard work we are proud of. So before April gets underway here is my March reflection with some things i did this month 


Thursday 26 March 2020

Lego Challenges

Day 1: Today I started the 30 day lego challenge so i did yesterdays as well as today's so tomorrow will be day 3 if you get confused. Today we had to do a roller coaster and for day 2 we had to do a rocket.Here are my creations.
I found it tricky to find the right pieces for the rocket.
I found it easy to add all the little cars on the roller coaster.
Left of the page is the "color coaster" and right of the page is the "mini rocket".

Day 3: For the lego challenges today I had to build a Lego house.I enjoyed adding plants and tree's to the garden of the house,I found it tricky to find the right wall pieces,next time I would add more furniture,
Day 4: today I had to build a movie set based on star wars.I enjoyed positioning the figures in the scene.I found it tricky to find the right pieces for the rocks and time i would make the base bigger.

Pygmy Marmoset report

In Reading this week we had to choose an animal from the Amazon rainforest and read some articles then we had to make a report about our chosen animal, I chose a Pygmy Marmoset also known as a finger monkey. In our reports we had to include an interesting fact, where they live and what they eat.

Tuesday 17 March 2020


In my reading group we had to read an article about animals in the amazon rainforest and chose our favorite then make a google drawing that included facts. For my animal i chose a sloth because they are calm gentle animals.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Mussels quiz

WALT analyse and synthesise.
In my reading group we had to read some articles and choose which topic we wanted to make a fact file or quiz from, I chose Mussels and for my other option i chose to do a quiz. In this quiz you will be asked to read the article before you start the actual quiz.
I found it tricky to link everything to a slide,
I enjoyed choosing colors and images,
my learning object shows i can link things.

Sustainable seas

We were creating a Sustainable Seas Poster using the google tool we think will be the most effective. I        chose google drawings to make my poster.
       I found it tricky to find pictures that were suitable to the topic for my google drawing, 
       I enjoyed placing the images and playing with the colors of my text box to see what worked best,
my learning object shows that i can use word art 

Friday 6 March 2020

The Taskmaster

On Thursday Room 1 and our buddy class Room 5 did a fun activity called The Taskmaster - alphabet soup. In Alphabet Soup you have a team of four or three. In my group was Selina, Anahi, Jasmine and I. We had to go round the school with our bowl/ (it was actually someone's tote tray) and collect things from around the school starting with every letter of the alphabet. It was really tricky to find something for Z,U,X and J but some groups managed to find those letters. We didn't find something for every letter of the alphabet but it was still fun!

Thursday 5 March 2020

February reflection

                                        Today we did a student reflection for february,
                                I enjoyed putting it on my blog because I love blogging,
                        I found it tricky to get the photo right because it kept going blurry,

Wednesday 4 March 2020

This is just to say

                             This week for writing we were learning to write punchy sentences.
                                                I found it tricky to send it to Mrs naden.
                              next time i could make the background suit the poem more.
                                                       I enjoyed making the canva