Thursday 28 May 2020

How to say the Hail Mary in Sign Language

Because it's the month of May we are learning to say the Hail Mary in sign language. We had to do a screencastify of us doing the actions and saying the prayer along with it.
I enjoyed blogging my screencastify,
I found it tricky to remember the actions,
Next time I could change the lighting in the room I did it in because you can't see it properly,

The Creek

This week in writing we are learning how to use different sentence starters. We had to write a recount and use jucy verbs and adjectives.
I enjoyed writing my story,
I found it tricky to use correct spelling,
here is my recount

                The Creek
   The sun was high in the sky beaming hot rays down on us as we slowly made our way towards the creek, I was enjoying the way the cool wind ruffled through my hair when a fantail flew past me and perched itself on a small twig, cheeping away, I watched it before moving on.

I ran to catch up to the others who were way ahead of me. I hopped onto the closest rock to get across the creek and onto the grassy path, leading to the wallowing hole. As I hopped from rock to rock the thick green moss that covered the rocks like a soft green carpet got slippery and eventually I slipped and landed in the shallow water below me.

I got up and kept hopping from rock to rock, this time I was a bit more cautious of which rock I was hopping onto. Finally I reached the grassy path. Slowly I walked along, taking care not to step on any wasps. The grass was dry and very scratchy so I started jogging, then sprinting.

As I approached the wallowing hole, my little sister threw a pile of sticky mud at me, it made a splatting noise as it hit the side of my leg. She giggled and reached down into the gunky water to grab another handful of mud, but before she could take aim and fire another mud ball I threw the mud that was clenched tightly in my hand at her.

She screamed and darted out of the way dodging the mud ball that was now just a brown blob sinking deeper and deeper into the wallowing hole. It was getting hotter and hotter so I slowly slipped into the wallowing hole, I let out a sigh of relief as the icy cold water hit my skin saving me from the scorching hot sun, still beaming hot summer rays down on the creek.

Monday 25 May 2020

Jesus ascending into heaven

Today for R.E we were learning about Jesus ascending into heaven. We had to make a google drawing of Jesus ascending into heaven and the disciples around him. Then we had to add a quote.
I enjoyed making Jesus,
I found it tricky to find a picture of the disciples,
Next time I would change the color of the ground because I think that the color is to faded,

Henri Matisse art

We were learning about Henri Matisse. He was a french artist and we did some of his art.
We had to use primary colors plus white and black to make the colors we wanted. We had to blend in white to show light directions on the objects.
Then we used black pastel to show details.
I enjoyed painting my art,
I found it tricky to make my strings on my guitar not wobbly,
Here is my art work

Friday 22 May 2020

The long gone phone

This week for writing we had to write a report and use different sentence starters,
I was learning to use different sentence starters,
I enjoyed writing the report,
I found it tricky to use juicy verbs,
Next time I would change the images that are on my google drawing

Thursday 21 May 2020

Google meet dress up days

During lockdown for our google meets we have been dressing up as things like our fave movie character or crazy hair.
Here is some screen shots of out dress up days:

Onjali Q. Rauf fact file

This term our teacher, Mrs Naden, is reading us a book called The boy at the back of the class by Onjali Q. Rauf. For reading we created a fact file on her, hope you enjoy!
I enjoyed researching and filling in the fact file,
I found it tricky to find stuff about her on the internet,
Next time i would change the position of the image of her,

Onjali Q. Rauf Fact File

Name:Onjali Q. Rauf
Date of Birth: February 1981
Home Town: London
College: Oxford University
Spouse: she has one but it doesn’t say his name
Children: doesn’t have any

Onjali Q. Rauf
Most famous books:

The boy at the back of the class 2018
The star outside my window 2019
The day we met the queen 2020
The night bus hero 2020

Interesting Facts:
She was recovering from a life saving surgery when she got the idea of her first book, Boy at the back of the class.

“Sometimes I think everyone likes to believe a lie even when they know it’s a lie because it’s more exciting than the truth.”

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Yucky bugs

Today for enviroschools we had to create a yucky bug out of things we have in our home, I made worms,I used: pink ribbon for the worms, black marker for the worms eyes and pieces of cardboard for the bark.
I enjoyed making my worms,
I found it tricky to place the bark on the worms without messing it up,
Next time I would change the color of my worms because they are a little to red,
here are some WOW facts I learnt:
Ants eat bird poop off your deck,
Cockroaches can be good,
there are these little bugs that eat weeds

Flappy bird game

This week for inquiry we had to make a flappy bird game on,
I enjoyed making my game,
I found it tricky to figure out how to code the pipes,
Next time I could change the speed to slow to make it easier
here is a link to my game
instructions on how to play:
click on the screen to make flappy bird fly, try to get him through the obstacles without hitting them. HAVE FUN!!

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Crack the code!

Today for our fun task we had to crack some codes on a google slide,
I enjoyed cracking the codes,
I found it tricky to crack the phrase one,
My learning object shows I can do digital maths,

Mothers day cards

For mothers day I made lots of cards, one for my mum,grannie,granny,more granny and my nanna.

Reduce,Reuse,Recycle and Repurpose

This week for enviroschools we had to make a poster to tell people to reduce,reuse,recycle and repurpose.
I enjoyed making my poster,
I found it tricky to make my poster visible,
My digital learning object shows I can insert images

Binary cards

This week for Maths we are learning about binary code and how it programmes things, we had to make the number 45 with the binary cards, binary uses certain numbers they are 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 and 128.

I enjoyed experimenting with the numbers and seeing what number they make in total,
I found it tricky to make the number 45,
Next time i will try to do it faster,

Khan Academy

Today we were learning what programming is,
I enjoyed learning about coding and programming is,
I found it tricky to understand it,
My digital learning object shows I can programme things to do stuff,
this is a screenshot of me programming stuff on a cool site called Khan Academy, I was doing a challenge and I had to make lines to be snowman arms.

Monday 11 May 2020

Thinking how to solve a problem

WALT: think of ways to solve a problem,
I found it tricky to find a idea,
I enjoyed making my slides,
Next time I would change the structure of the device,

Hehu Karaiti- Jesus

Today for Matauranga Whakapono ( R.E ) we were learning about people who did things by faith.
I enjoyed learning about the people who did things by faith,
I found it tricky to match the scriptures to the statements,
Next time I would change the image,

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Sorry prayer

Today for R.E we had to write a sorry prayer, My sorry prayer is to say sorry for not listening to my parents sometimes,
I enjoyed making my google drawing,
I found it tricky to find the right words for my prayer,
My digital learning object shows that I can flip images to face the other way

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Write simple code

WALT write simple code (instructions)
Today we had to write simple code for a robot,
I enjoyed making my google slide
I found it tricky to write the instructions

Coding Bots

This week we were learning how to programme robots to do stuff with this cool game called coding bots,
I enjoyed playing the game,
I found it tricky to code the robot the right way,
my digital learning object shows I can code,

Monday 4 May 2020

R.E: how we can grow in holiness

This week for R.E we are learning how we can grow in holiness, here is a set of slides showing examples of how we can grow in holiness
 I found it tricky to find images that suited the words
 I enjoyed posting it on my blog
 My digital learning object shows that I can add borders to images

Friday 1 May 2020

April reflection

Today I was learning to reflect on my learning
I enjoyed filling in the boxes with all the things I have learnt this month
I found it challenging to fit my April selfie into the box
My digital learning object shows that I can take a snapshot
Next time I would change the font