Thursday 28 May 2020

The Creek

This week in writing we are learning how to use different sentence starters. We had to write a recount and use jucy verbs and adjectives.
I enjoyed writing my story,
I found it tricky to use correct spelling,
here is my recount

                The Creek
   The sun was high in the sky beaming hot rays down on us as we slowly made our way towards the creek, I was enjoying the way the cool wind ruffled through my hair when a fantail flew past me and perched itself on a small twig, cheeping away, I watched it before moving on.

I ran to catch up to the others who were way ahead of me. I hopped onto the closest rock to get across the creek and onto the grassy path, leading to the wallowing hole. As I hopped from rock to rock the thick green moss that covered the rocks like a soft green carpet got slippery and eventually I slipped and landed in the shallow water below me.

I got up and kept hopping from rock to rock, this time I was a bit more cautious of which rock I was hopping onto. Finally I reached the grassy path. Slowly I walked along, taking care not to step on any wasps. The grass was dry and very scratchy so I started jogging, then sprinting.

As I approached the wallowing hole, my little sister threw a pile of sticky mud at me, it made a splatting noise as it hit the side of my leg. She giggled and reached down into the gunky water to grab another handful of mud, but before she could take aim and fire another mud ball I threw the mud that was clenched tightly in my hand at her.

She screamed and darted out of the way dodging the mud ball that was now just a brown blob sinking deeper and deeper into the wallowing hole. It was getting hotter and hotter so I slowly slipped into the wallowing hole, I let out a sigh of relief as the icy cold water hit my skin saving me from the scorching hot sun, still beaming hot summer rays down on the creek.

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