Friday 18 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong - Summer Learning Journey Day 1

 Today I did an activity from the Summer Learning Journey, I did one called Which one doesn't belong. I had to watch some videos and then go onto a slide with different photos and say which ones I thought didn't belong. But I had to tell 2 or 3 answers why each one didn't belong. At the end I did my own on doughnuts.

Here is the slide:

Wednesday 9 December 2020

What Christmas Means to me

 Last week we had to write what christmas means to us so Mrs Naden could send them to the news paper because they wanted to find out what kids thought of christmas. I think that the actual joy of christmas comes from giving rather than getting.

here is what I wrote:

What christmas means to me…

Christmas is a happy time,

To share with family and friends.

It's a time for love, joy and giving a gift,

And maybe getting one too.

It is a time to celebrate, have fun and enjoy,

So Merry Christmas!

Goal setting update

 Today we did a goal setting update on the goal setting sheet that we started in term one. I achieved some of my goals but I have to work on some things for next year. I liked seeing what my goals were at the start of the year and if I achieved them or not. 

here is my goal sheet:


Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candles

 Yesterday we made ice candles! It was really interesting and it was really awesome when we pulled the carton off the wax and all the water poured out. Here are some steps and equipment to make ice candles yourself:


Old candles

Long candles

milk cartons ( the cardboard ones that you get soy milk in )


Frying pan


1. cut open the top of the milk carton

2. pour some olive oil inside the carton and spread it around in the inside, make sure you have covered all the sides

3. turn on the stove and put the old candles in the pan, melt them until it is just liquid

4. get your long candles and put one in each milk carton, make sure they are in the middle

5. fill the milk cartons up to the top with ice

6. get your melted candles ( if they are done ) and pour the wax into the carton

let the candles sit over night and rip the carton off them in the morning

here are some photos of us making ice candles:

November Reflection

Today we were doing our November reflection. We had to write a problem from this month, write about the Maori culture festival and lots of other stuff. I like to do these reflections because I like to remember and reflect on my learning from this month. I enjoyed writing about the Maori culture festival, I found it tricky to think of a problem to write, next time I would do a lighter background.

Here is my reflection: