Friday 18 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong - Summer Learning Journey Day 1

 Today I did an activity from the Summer Learning Journey, I did one called Which one doesn't belong. I had to watch some videos and then go onto a slide with different photos and say which ones I thought didn't belong. But I had to tell 2 or 3 answers why each one didn't belong. At the end I did my own on doughnuts.

Here is the slide:


  1. Kia Ora Ciara,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey, it is awesome to see your first post of the summer and I look forward to seeing more as you continue blogging!

    You did an amazing job with this activity spotting all the differences and sometimes more than one difference in the slides. You also did a great job making your own spot the difference slide, I think the difference could be any of them. B is the most obviously different as it has a chocolate topping rather than strawberry, but the other three have small differences such as the stripes and sparkles.

    Was I right?

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Kia ora Ciara,
    its great to see that you have started the Summer Learning Journey.
    I can see that you have looked carefully at each set of images.
    I was going to list my ideas about your doughnuts but I will hold off and see if any other students make comments!
    from Mrs Torrie


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