Thursday 22 October 2020

Camp goals and rules

Next week we are going on camp at Tui Ridge. We had to decide our camp goals and rules that we will follow while we are at camp.

Friday 16 October 2020

Letter to the Editor

 Today we were writing letters for the newspaper which is called letters to the editor. We were writing them to tell the council to spray the blackberry bushes down by our Rerenga Awa. Our Rerenga Awa is there so the native trees can provide shade for the river so more creatures will live in it, but the blackberry is in the way so we can't plant more native trees closer to the river. 

I enjoyed writing my letter,

I found it tricky to write the letter and use correct spelling and to make it make sense,

Next time I would write a little bit more,

Here is my letter:

Dear Editor, 

Saint Mary’s is a Green Gold Enviro school. By our school we have a river and we want it to be clean and clear. We want more native birds and insects so we planted our Rerenga Awa to make shade for the river so more animals will come, but we have one problem. There is a lot of blackberry by the river which is stopping us from planting more native trees closer to the river. We asked the council to spray the blackberry and keep mowing there but they haven’t responded. Some of the teachers at our school emailed them but we have still got no response. We can’t plant the native trees anymore. I firmly believe that the council should come and spray the blackberry so we can plant more trees. Then more native animals, birds, insects and freshwater creatures will have a healthy environment to live in.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Service Poster

 This term our value is service, so this week we had a challenge. The challenge was to make a poster about service. We could include a bible quote for service, a synonym for service and what service looks like, feels like, and sounds like. I did mine on paper. I put the maori word for service and ways that you could show service. 

I enjoyed making the poster and adding all the little details,

I found it tricky to find out what the maori word for service is,

Next time I would add a little more colour to the background,

Here is my poster: 

Pancakes with Maple Syrup and Chocolate Sauce

 This week for writing we have been learning how to use imagery. We had to write a paragraph about eating our favorite food, mine was pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate sauce. We had to describe what its like to eat that food. We had to include the first bite, the taste and licking the plate. We had to use a simile, alliteration and juicy verbs.  

I enjoyed writing the paragraph of my fave food,

I found it tricky to use alliteration,

Next time I would use more alliteration,

Here is my writing:

Pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate sauce

I took a bite of the stack of pancakes on my plate. I felt the ooey gooey sticky syrup oozing down my throat and the runny chocolate sauce dribbling down my chin. The fluffy puffy golden brown pancakes were warm and perfectly cooked. They were delicious, sweet and sugary, the sticky maple syrup dribbled down my arm, like a raindrop dripping down the window on a rainy day. I turned away and licked the plate clean, the sticky chocolate all over my face. I snuck over to the stove to see if any pancakes were left over, then I took a nibble of the last one.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Artnet Pop Art

Today I used another website similar to Lunapic called Artnet to recreate Andy Warhol's pop art. You have to take a photo, then upload it onto Artnet and it will turn it into Andy Warhol's art. You can choose the layout of the colours, and then you can download your art.  Here is a link to Artnet:
Here is my pop art from Artnet:

Pop art

 Today for Cybersmart we were recreating Andy Warhol's famous pop art work. We had to take a selfie of ourselves and change the colours of it on Lunapic, Lunapic is a photo editor, some of my favorite filters were dreaming, floating, Picasso and smoke. After we changed the colours we had to put it on a google drawing and make a collage. Here is the link if you want to use Lunapic too: I found it easy to change the colours of the photo, I found it tricky to fit all the photos in the collage, Next time I would take a photo in a place with a plain background. 

Here is my pop art:

Monday 12 October 2020

The Crystal Crescent

 For reading we are starting a new book called The Crystal Crescent by John Lockyer. I read the front and the back and its about these people called Raki and Tando who go on a space mission to find liquid telotion because the ozone layer has been destroyed and the earth is at risk. On the back cover it says that they find these little blue creatures when they crash land on an unknown planet.