Tuesday 30 June 2020

June Reflection

We are reflecting on our June work, so before July gets under way take a look at all the fun things we have been doing this month...
I enjoyed doing my June reflection and adding in the selfie,
I found it tricky to get it on my blog in time,
Here is all my work from June... Enjoy!

Thursday 25 June 2020

Matariki reading

This week for reading we had to discuss if Matariki should be a public holiday or not, then we had to make a google drawing showing why or why not Matariki should be a public holiday. We also researched about other holidays like Diwali, Chinese New Year and National donut day. These are all public holidays. We decided that national donut day shouldn't be a public holiday because you can have a donut any day.
Here is my google drawing on should Matariki be a public holiday:  

I enjoyed having our group discussion and making my google drawing,
I found it tricky to spell some things correctly,
Next time I would change the font on my google drawing,

Matariki explanation

WALT- use visual language features (such as headings charts or maps) to extend or clarify meaning and to engage our audience.
This week we have been learning about Matariki, for writing we had to write an explanation on Matariki. Our success criteria were to use subheadings, text boxes and pictures.
I enjoyed writing my explanation,
I found it tricky to use at least four sentences for each paragraph,
Next time I would use some text boxes,

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for a cluster of stars in the night sky. It is a sign of the start of the Māori new year. In June and July Matariki will appear in the night sky. During this time the Māori will remember those who have died, spend time with family and friends, enjoy games and kai, and plan for the future.

Our ancestors would look to Matariki to help them with their growing and harvesting of food. In April and May they would preserve their harvest for winter, when Matariki re-appeared in June and July they would read the stars to predict what the coming winter would be like. If the stars were clear winter would be warm. If they were hazy, winter would be cold.

How many stars are in the cluster of Matariki?
According to Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua the Matariki cluster has nine stars. The nine stars include: Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi. 
The nine stars 

Matariki means the eyes of God. Matariki is the star that represents reflection, hope, our connection with the environment and the meeting of people.


Pōhutukawa is the star that represents people who have died.


Waitī is connected to the fresh water and the sea food that lives in it.                .


Waitā is linked with the ocean and the sea food in it.
Waipuna-ā-Rangi is connected with the rain
Tupuānuku is the star connected with everything that grows in the soil that can be eaten
Ururangi is the star linked with the winds
Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the star who grants our wishes 

Monday 22 June 2020

Times Tables

We are learning our times tables.
We are learning two each week, this week I am learning: 4x3 and 6x3.
We used this times tables triangle to see what ones we know. 

Thursday 18 June 2020

Ahmets Journey

WALT- use visual language features such as headings, charts, or maps to extend or clarify meaning and to engage our audience.
This week we are learning about refugees. For writing we usually write in our writing books but this week the teacher decided to change it up a bit so we are doing Comics instead.
I enjoyed making my Comic,
I found it tricky to use correct grammar,
Next time I would change the font in the text boxes

Helps and Hinders for Refugees

This week we have been learning about Refugees, we had to make a google slide or google drawing to say what helps and hinders refugees while they are traveling and adapting to their new country.

I enjoyed making my google slide and playing with the color of the background,
I found it tricky to find colors that go together for my background,
Next time I would order the helps and hinders in numbers not bullet points,

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Corpus Christi

We are learning about Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation,
Corpus Christi is latin and means: The feast of Christ,
Transubstantiation means: turning the Eucharist (bread and wine)  into Jesus’s body and blood,
We did a google drawing to explain what transubstantiation means

I enjoyed making my google drawing and learning about Corpus Christi,

I found it tricky to spell transubstantiation right,
My digital learning object shows I can use google drawings to explain,
Next time i would use a different image for the Eucharist,

Friday 12 June 2020

Flexi Physics

WALT- combine sources of information with developing confidence to identify, form and express ideas.
This week we have been learning about gravity and how it affects us, we read a book called the chicken affect, We also read an article about gravity.
We did some experiments with Dropper Poppers and boinks,
We had to fill in a google slide of our experiments,

I enjoyed filling it in,
I found it tricky to embed the screenshots onto my blog,
Next time I would change the font in my google slide,
My digital learning object shows I can use google slides


WALT- organise text into paragraphs
For writing we were writing an explanation of gravity, we watched a video to get ideas,
I enjoyed writing my explanation and watching the video,
I found it tricky to use paragraphs,
My digital learning object shows I can use google docs,

What happens after you jump up into the air? You land on the ground, right? Why would you land on the ground instead of floating off into space? That's when gravity comes in. Gravity is a force that pulls us towards the Earth so we don’t go floating out in space.

 A force is a push or pull acting against an object to move it or change direction. Think of gravity as our invisible superglue, keeping the Earth together and us on the ground.

 Our class did an experiment with boinks. If you squeeze the boink the coil gets tight then when you let it go it will spring up into the air, but eventually gravity will pull it back down to the ground.

 We did another experiment with Dropper Poppers. If you invert and drop the dome down with a ping pong ball, the ping pong ball will ping up into the air. It will stay in the air for a bit, but in a few seconds gravity takes action and it drops back down to the ground.

 No matter where you throw that ping pong ball… it's going down! Force is the cause that produces the effect of all objects coming down. Eventually gravity is going to pull everything down to the ground… no matter what!

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Trinity Sunday

On Sunday it was Trinity Sunday.
Trinity means three in one. The Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

Its like an apple, the skin is like God, he protects us like the skin of an apple protects the flesh and seeds. The flesh is like Jesus, he nourishes us. The seeds are like the Holy Spirit planting the fruits of the Spirit.

I enjoyed drawing my apple,
I found it tricky to take the photo without my book falling over, 
Next time I would make the apple a bit bigger.

Monday 8 June 2020

May Reflection

Today we were doing our May reflection.
I enjoyed adding my May selfie to my reflection,
I found it tricky add it to my blog,
Next time I would change the font,


Bling your blog!

Today for Cybersmart we were blinging our blogs! We changed the background and turned it into out Koru art. We also customised the header and changed the font. Hope you like my new blog look!

I enjoyed customising my blog
I found it tricky to take a photo of my art to put it on my background
Here is a before and after of my blog,


Friday 5 June 2020


WALT recognise homophones in writing,
The homophone we were doing was There, Their and They're,
There means over there or put your coat there,
Their means their cat or their toy,
They're means they're going on holiday or they're family plays tennis on a saturday.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


Today for Matauranga Whakapono (R.E) we were learning about Pentecost. We had to make a flame dove out of paper and write an explanation on what Pentecost is and What happened on Pentecost.

50 days after Easter Sunday the disciples gathered in a room, suddenly a strong wind blew into the room and a tongue of fire rested on each of thier heads. The holy spirit had come just like Jesus said it would. The disciples started speaking different languages and spreading Gods word.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Torch Challenge

WALT make a closed circuit for science.
My group found it easy to connect the wires to the bulb and battery,
My group found it tricky to make the bulb glow,
Next time we would try to put the circuit on the foil,
These are the materials we used:
6 Wires
Tin foil
Light bulb
2 c size battery's
Electrical Tape

What is electricity? electricity is something that everyone uses to power everyday things like ovens and light bulbs. The electricity that we used for our closed circuit came from the battery's and traveled through the wires to make the light bulb work. Unfortunately our light bulb didn't work and the wires burned through the tape.