Wednesday 2 September 2020


 This week and last week for reading we were learning about advertisements and how they convince us to buy that product. We had to find advertisements in a magazine and cut them out. Then we had to glue them in our reading books to make a magazine that has things that make you want to buy the product. 

We had to answer some questions, these are the questions: 1. Does the advertisement make you feel something- for example happiness, the desire to belong, or fear? 2. Does the advertisement pay popular celebrities or sports stars to promote the product? 3. Does the advertisement link an idea with the product- for example, does the ad make children feel more grown up when they use the product? 4. Is the advertisement promoting the product buy giving you something for free- for example do you get a toy if you buy a kids meal from a fast food chain? 

I put my photos on a google drawing so I can show you why you might want to buy it. I enjoyed making my magazines, I found it tricky to answer the questions. 

Here are my google drawings of my advertisements:


  1. Hi Ciara. Loved this piece on advertising. It's good to be aware of how clever advertising can be to make you feel you really need something. Even adults are convinced all the time. Makes you a smarter shopper when you can see past it. Well done. How much advertising can you see around you when you are in the toy isle? Have a look next time.

    1. Kia ora Mama,
      usually when I look around there are lots of price tags that say "hot price" or "buy one get one free". Once I saw an advertisement on the internet advertising masks, it said buy 4 get 1 free.
      thank you for commenting on my blog!
      Ma te wa


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