Friday 13 November 2020

Moon Masque

 Today for Cybersmart we were doing art colouring book. We had to watch some videos about art and then go onto art colouring book and chose a picture to colour in. The picture i chose was called Moon Masque and its by Lois Mailou Jones who is a famous artist and taught other people in watercolour classes. She liked to paint landscapes and street scenes. 

I enjoyed colouring in the art,

I found it tricky to chose colours that go together well,

Next time I could make it a bit more colourful,

                                                                       Here is my art:

                                                         And here is Lois Mailou Jones's art:

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rat Island Language Features Worksheet

 Today for our reading tasks we had to do a language features sheet. We had to find Similes, Metaphors and Personification in the book, then we had to say what our visualisations were e.g what we see, hear, taste, smell, our touch. I did three similes but I couldn't find any Personification or Metaphors. 

I enjoyed reading through the book and finding the Similes, Metaphors and Personification,

I found it tricky to find the Similes,

Next time i could put more Similes, Metaphors and Personification.

Here is a photo of my worksheet:

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Rat island predictions

This week for reading we are starting a new book called Rat Island by Stu Duval. We had to look and the front cover and read the blurb at the back, then we had to complete the pre-reading prediction sheet and write down what we think the book is going to be about. After we did the prediction we had to read chapter 1 of the book.
I enjoyed reading chapter 1,
I found it tricky to  

Here is a picture of my prediction sheet:

If you can't read it this is what I think the book is going to be about:
I think that there is an island and there are lots of rats, they take over the island and if the pirates don't obey the rules on the ship they have to go and live on rat island with all the rats.

Friday 6 November 2020

Camp Thank you letters

 Last week we went on camp and this week we had to write a letter to one of the helpers or teachers who came on camp. I chose Shaun who was the parent helper for my group. At camp we did heaps of fun activities like high ropes, flying fox, laser tag, rock climbing and frisbee golf. My favorite was the flying fox and going on the luge. Camp is definitley one of my favorite memories from 2020.

I enjoyed writing the letter,

I found it tricky to think of what to write,

Next time I would add another photo,

Here is my letter:

WALT: structure (thank you letter)

Success Criteria

Self assessment

At least 2 or 3 paragraphs 

Correct layout

Nouns and Verbs

Ciara M

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Shaun,

{I am writing to you to thank you for being one of the amazing parent helpers who helped make the Year 5 and 6 camp possible. Thank you for helping with the activities like the high ropes course and the flying fox. Without your help we wouldn’t have been able to do those activities. You also helped other people have more fun by āencouraging them to go one step further.

Two of my favourite activities were the flying fox and slingshot paintball. Corin got me in the back, Unasie hit me in the face and I got paint in my mouth. It was also funny when you zoomed past me on the luge! Thanks for encouraging me to climb higher on the rock wall and reach my goal.

So thank you for giving up your time to come on camp and help out. 

{I really appreciate it. I hope you had a great time too.

Ngā mihi



Parihaka feather

 This week for reading we were learning about Parihaka and about the white albatross feather. The teacher hid information cards around the room and gave us puzzle pieces that were shaped into feathers with questions about Parihaka on them. We could go in buddy's or individuales. I went in buddys with Leyla. We had to go around the room and find the information cards around the room and answer the questions. Then we had to decorate the feathers but leave the colour white at the same time. 

I enjoyed answering the questions and decorating the feathers,

I found it tricky to find the right answers on the information cards and match them to the questions,

Here is a picture of my feather

Thursday 5 November 2020

October Reflection

 Today we did our October reflections. We had to Tell write about camp, What we have been reading this month,  Athletics day, monthly points and about the letters to the editor. I like doing these reflections because I like to see all the things we have been learning this month and what I have achieved.

I enjoyed doing my reflection,

I found it tricky to remember one of the books I have read this month,

Next time I could change the colour of the background.

Here is my reflection:


Monday 2 November 2020

Camp GIF

Today we had to use our turbo charge it tools to show our camp experience. Camp was really fun, we did heaps of fun activities like the flying fox, the high ropes, laser tag, slingshot paint ball, the luge and lots of others. I used Talls tweets and created my google slide into a gif. We had to put photos. I put titles to tell you what we were doing in those photos.

I enjoyed making the gif and adding the photos to it,

I found it tricky to make the photos fit onto the slides,

Next time I would make each background a different colour so it looks a bit more interesting.

Here is my gif: