Friday 18 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong - Summer Learning Journey Day 1

 Today I did an activity from the Summer Learning Journey, I did one called Which one doesn't belong. I had to watch some videos and then go onto a slide with different photos and say which ones I thought didn't belong. But I had to tell 2 or 3 answers why each one didn't belong. At the end I did my own on doughnuts.

Here is the slide:

Wednesday 9 December 2020

What Christmas Means to me

 Last week we had to write what christmas means to us so Mrs Naden could send them to the news paper because they wanted to find out what kids thought of christmas. I think that the actual joy of christmas comes from giving rather than getting.

here is what I wrote:

What christmas means to me…

Christmas is a happy time,

To share with family and friends.

It's a time for love, joy and giving a gift,

And maybe getting one too.

It is a time to celebrate, have fun and enjoy,

So Merry Christmas!

Goal setting update

 Today we did a goal setting update on the goal setting sheet that we started in term one. I achieved some of my goals but I have to work on some things for next year. I liked seeing what my goals were at the start of the year and if I achieved them or not. 

here is my goal sheet:


Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candles

 Yesterday we made ice candles! It was really interesting and it was really awesome when we pulled the carton off the wax and all the water poured out. Here are some steps and equipment to make ice candles yourself:


Old candles

Long candles

milk cartons ( the cardboard ones that you get soy milk in )


Frying pan


1. cut open the top of the milk carton

2. pour some olive oil inside the carton and spread it around in the inside, make sure you have covered all the sides

3. turn on the stove and put the old candles in the pan, melt them until it is just liquid

4. get your long candles and put one in each milk carton, make sure they are in the middle

5. fill the milk cartons up to the top with ice

6. get your melted candles ( if they are done ) and pour the wax into the carton

let the candles sit over night and rip the carton off them in the morning

here are some photos of us making ice candles:

November Reflection

Today we were doing our November reflection. We had to write a problem from this month, write about the Maori culture festival and lots of other stuff. I like to do these reflections because I like to remember and reflect on my learning from this month. I enjoyed writing about the Maori culture festival, I found it tricky to think of a problem to write, next time I would do a lighter background.

Here is my reflection:


Friday 13 November 2020

Moon Masque

 Today for Cybersmart we were doing art colouring book. We had to watch some videos about art and then go onto art colouring book and chose a picture to colour in. The picture i chose was called Moon Masque and its by Lois Mailou Jones who is a famous artist and taught other people in watercolour classes. She liked to paint landscapes and street scenes. 

I enjoyed colouring in the art,

I found it tricky to chose colours that go together well,

Next time I could make it a bit more colourful,

                                                                       Here is my art:

                                                         And here is Lois Mailou Jones's art:

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rat Island Language Features Worksheet

 Today for our reading tasks we had to do a language features sheet. We had to find Similes, Metaphors and Personification in the book, then we had to say what our visualisations were e.g what we see, hear, taste, smell, our touch. I did three similes but I couldn't find any Personification or Metaphors. 

I enjoyed reading through the book and finding the Similes, Metaphors and Personification,

I found it tricky to find the Similes,

Next time i could put more Similes, Metaphors and Personification.

Here is a photo of my worksheet:

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Rat island predictions

This week for reading we are starting a new book called Rat Island by Stu Duval. We had to look and the front cover and read the blurb at the back, then we had to complete the pre-reading prediction sheet and write down what we think the book is going to be about. After we did the prediction we had to read chapter 1 of the book.
I enjoyed reading chapter 1,
I found it tricky to  

Here is a picture of my prediction sheet:

If you can't read it this is what I think the book is going to be about:
I think that there is an island and there are lots of rats, they take over the island and if the pirates don't obey the rules on the ship they have to go and live on rat island with all the rats.

Friday 6 November 2020

Camp Thank you letters

 Last week we went on camp and this week we had to write a letter to one of the helpers or teachers who came on camp. I chose Shaun who was the parent helper for my group. At camp we did heaps of fun activities like high ropes, flying fox, laser tag, rock climbing and frisbee golf. My favorite was the flying fox and going on the luge. Camp is definitley one of my favorite memories from 2020.

I enjoyed writing the letter,

I found it tricky to think of what to write,

Next time I would add another photo,

Here is my letter:

WALT: structure (thank you letter)

Success Criteria

Self assessment

At least 2 or 3 paragraphs 

Correct layout

Nouns and Verbs

Ciara M

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Shaun,

{I am writing to you to thank you for being one of the amazing parent helpers who helped make the Year 5 and 6 camp possible. Thank you for helping with the activities like the high ropes course and the flying fox. Without your help we wouldn’t have been able to do those activities. You also helped other people have more fun by āencouraging them to go one step further.

Two of my favourite activities were the flying fox and slingshot paintball. Corin got me in the back, Unasie hit me in the face and I got paint in my mouth. It was also funny when you zoomed past me on the luge! Thanks for encouraging me to climb higher on the rock wall and reach my goal.

So thank you for giving up your time to come on camp and help out. 

{I really appreciate it. I hope you had a great time too.

Ngā mihi



Parihaka feather

 This week for reading we were learning about Parihaka and about the white albatross feather. The teacher hid information cards around the room and gave us puzzle pieces that were shaped into feathers with questions about Parihaka on them. We could go in buddy's or individuales. I went in buddys with Leyla. We had to go around the room and find the information cards around the room and answer the questions. Then we had to decorate the feathers but leave the colour white at the same time. 

I enjoyed answering the questions and decorating the feathers,

I found it tricky to find the right answers on the information cards and match them to the questions,

Here is a picture of my feather

Thursday 5 November 2020

October Reflection

 Today we did our October reflections. We had to Tell write about camp, What we have been reading this month,  Athletics day, monthly points and about the letters to the editor. I like doing these reflections because I like to see all the things we have been learning this month and what I have achieved.

I enjoyed doing my reflection,

I found it tricky to remember one of the books I have read this month,

Next time I could change the colour of the background.

Here is my reflection:


Monday 2 November 2020

Camp GIF

Today we had to use our turbo charge it tools to show our camp experience. Camp was really fun, we did heaps of fun activities like the flying fox, the high ropes, laser tag, slingshot paint ball, the luge and lots of others. I used Talls tweets and created my google slide into a gif. We had to put photos. I put titles to tell you what we were doing in those photos.

I enjoyed making the gif and adding the photos to it,

I found it tricky to make the photos fit onto the slides,

Next time I would make each background a different colour so it looks a bit more interesting.

Here is my gif:


Thursday 22 October 2020

Camp goals and rules

Next week we are going on camp at Tui Ridge. We had to decide our camp goals and rules that we will follow while we are at camp.

Friday 16 October 2020

Letter to the Editor

 Today we were writing letters for the newspaper which is called letters to the editor. We were writing them to tell the council to spray the blackberry bushes down by our Rerenga Awa. Our Rerenga Awa is there so the native trees can provide shade for the river so more creatures will live in it, but the blackberry is in the way so we can't plant more native trees closer to the river. 

I enjoyed writing my letter,

I found it tricky to write the letter and use correct spelling and to make it make sense,

Next time I would write a little bit more,

Here is my letter:

Dear Editor, 

Saint Mary’s is a Green Gold Enviro school. By our school we have a river and we want it to be clean and clear. We want more native birds and insects so we planted our Rerenga Awa to make shade for the river so more animals will come, but we have one problem. There is a lot of blackberry by the river which is stopping us from planting more native trees closer to the river. We asked the council to spray the blackberry and keep mowing there but they haven’t responded. Some of the teachers at our school emailed them but we have still got no response. We can’t plant the native trees anymore. I firmly believe that the council should come and spray the blackberry so we can plant more trees. Then more native animals, birds, insects and freshwater creatures will have a healthy environment to live in.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Service Poster

 This term our value is service, so this week we had a challenge. The challenge was to make a poster about service. We could include a bible quote for service, a synonym for service and what service looks like, feels like, and sounds like. I did mine on paper. I put the maori word for service and ways that you could show service. 

I enjoyed making the poster and adding all the little details,

I found it tricky to find out what the maori word for service is,

Next time I would add a little more colour to the background,

Here is my poster: 

Pancakes with Maple Syrup and Chocolate Sauce

 This week for writing we have been learning how to use imagery. We had to write a paragraph about eating our favorite food, mine was pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate sauce. We had to describe what its like to eat that food. We had to include the first bite, the taste and licking the plate. We had to use a simile, alliteration and juicy verbs.  

I enjoyed writing the paragraph of my fave food,

I found it tricky to use alliteration,

Next time I would use more alliteration,

Here is my writing:

Pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate sauce

I took a bite of the stack of pancakes on my plate. I felt the ooey gooey sticky syrup oozing down my throat and the runny chocolate sauce dribbling down my chin. The fluffy puffy golden brown pancakes were warm and perfectly cooked. They were delicious, sweet and sugary, the sticky maple syrup dribbled down my arm, like a raindrop dripping down the window on a rainy day. I turned away and licked the plate clean, the sticky chocolate all over my face. I snuck over to the stove to see if any pancakes were left over, then I took a nibble of the last one.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Artnet Pop Art

Today I used another website similar to Lunapic called Artnet to recreate Andy Warhol's pop art. You have to take a photo, then upload it onto Artnet and it will turn it into Andy Warhol's art. You can choose the layout of the colours, and then you can download your art.  Here is a link to Artnet:
Here is my pop art from Artnet:

Pop art

 Today for Cybersmart we were recreating Andy Warhol's famous pop art work. We had to take a selfie of ourselves and change the colours of it on Lunapic, Lunapic is a photo editor, some of my favorite filters were dreaming, floating, Picasso and smoke. After we changed the colours we had to put it on a google drawing and make a collage. Here is the link if you want to use Lunapic too: I found it easy to change the colours of the photo, I found it tricky to fit all the photos in the collage, Next time I would take a photo in a place with a plain background. 

Here is my pop art:

Monday 12 October 2020

The Crystal Crescent

 For reading we are starting a new book called The Crystal Crescent by John Lockyer. I read the front and the back and its about these people called Raki and Tando who go on a space mission to find liquid telotion because the ozone layer has been destroyed and the earth is at risk. On the back cover it says that they find these little blue creatures when they crash land on an unknown planet.

Thursday 24 September 2020

September Reflection

 Today we did our September reflection. I like doing these reflections because I like to reflect on my learning and remember all the things I did in September. I enjoyed doing my reflection and writing about Maara kai, I found it tricky to write the explanations, Next time I would change the colour of the background.

Here is the reflection:

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Border Security

This week for reading we had to read a book about Border Security and then make an add encouraging people to check their bags before they leave the forest or country. Border security is when they put your bags through a machine that checks your bags for anything that can bring dangerous stuff into the country. I made my add with wevideo. 

I enjoyed making the wevideo,

I found it tricky to make the wevideo short and include all of the information you need to know,

Next time I would put more information,

Here is my wevideo:


Tuesday 22 September 2020

Great Places to go in Gisborne Book Creator

 Today for Cybersmart We listed all the tools that we use to create stuff. We had to think of five places you could go to in the holidays that you don't have to pay to go to. Then we had to pick one of the tools that were on the board, I chose book creator. Then I put my five things that I picked on my book and put some information about them.

I enjoyed making the book creator,

I found it tricky to write the things about the places,

Next time I would change the backgrounds,

Here is my book creator:

Maori Dictionary

 This week is Te reo Maori week so we used this cool site called Book creator to make Maori dictionary's. We had to choose a topic, I chose to do mine on shapes. Then we had to find the Maori words and correct pronunciation then we had to make a book with the english word and then the Maori word. Then we had to do a voice over of the pronunciation and put it in the book. We had to try make the reader interact with the book e.g turning the page or clicking the play button.

I enjoyed making the book on book creator,

I found it tricky to use a lot of tools to make the reader interact with the book,

Next time I could make each page more interesting,

Here is my book:


Thursday 17 September 2020

Social justice week

 Not last week but the week before it was social justice week. For social justice week we had to make a set of slides showing what the world would look like if there was social justice every where and what we do to show social justice. I enjoyed making my set of slides, I found it tricky to fill all the coins up with things the world would look like. Here is my set of slides:

Thursday 3 September 2020

August Reflection

 Today we did our August reflection. I like doing these reflections because I like to reflect on my learning and see what I have done during the month. We do this every month. I enjoyed making my reflection jazzing it up! I found it tricky to take the perfect August selfie. Here is my reflection:


Wednesday 2 September 2020


 This week and last week for reading we were learning about advertisements and how they convince us to buy that product. We had to find advertisements in a magazine and cut them out. Then we had to glue them in our reading books to make a magazine that has things that make you want to buy the product. 

We had to answer some questions, these are the questions: 1. Does the advertisement make you feel something- for example happiness, the desire to belong, or fear? 2. Does the advertisement pay popular celebrities or sports stars to promote the product? 3. Does the advertisement link an idea with the product- for example, does the ad make children feel more grown up when they use the product? 4. Is the advertisement promoting the product buy giving you something for free- for example do you get a toy if you buy a kids meal from a fast food chain? 

I put my photos on a google drawing so I can show you why you might want to buy it. I enjoyed making my magazines, I found it tricky to answer the questions. 

Here are my google drawings of my advertisements:

Sacrament Word Wall

For the last two days we have been making Sacrament word wall gifs. We have got a wall in our class that has lots of words that relate to the Sacraments. Mrs Naden made a doc and we had to get a buddy. She put words that relate to the sacraments and we had to put them in alphabetical order. I did it with Selina. Then we had to find the definition and put it in our own words. Then it was time to jazz it up! We changed the fonts and put it on a google slide. Then we turned the slides into a gif. I enjoyed making the slides with Selina. I found it tricky to find the definitions. I hope you enjoy!

Here is the gif:

Friday 28 August 2020

Animals should not be kept in zoos persuasive writing

 This week we were learning how to use a rhetorical question, use emotive language and use persuasive language in writing. We had to write a report persuading people not to put animals in zoos. We read a piece of writing telling you to put animals in zoos, then we discussed why we should not keep them in zoos. I enjoyed writing my persuasive writing, I found it tricky to use emotive and persuasive language, 

Here is my writing:

Animals should not be kept in zoos

Would you like to be cooped up in a cage with nowhere to go? If not,

then why should animals be cooped

up in a cage? I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos.

It is brutal because in zoos

animals rely on

humans to survive, they are taken away from their habitat and they

are taken away from their families.

Firstly, in captivity animals rely on humans to survive because they lose

their natural instinct to hunt and the

zookeeper's decide when they eat, what they eat, and how much they eat.

Tourists feed them junk food which

makes them fat and it is not part of their natural diet. It is also very unhealthy.

Secondly, they are taken away from their natural habitat.

The lack of space and room to roam around makes them weak, sore and tired.

For example, tigers and lions have a big

space to roam around in the wild but if you take them to a zoo they get locked

up in a cage with not much room to move.

Also, when you take animals from their habitat and into the

zoo it might be too hot or cold for them.

Thirdly, they are taken away from their families.

The babies need their parents or whanau to survive.

Elephants get depressed when they are separated and feel joy when reunited with family.

They need friends and space to thrive

Did you know that elephants can die if they miss their family too much?

In conclusion, I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos. Care for the animals!

Ciara 28/8/20 

Thursday 27 August 2020

Tracey Tawhiao Art

The week before last week we were doing Tracey Tawhiao Art. We had to choose a piece of newspaper with some words that means something to us. On my piece of paper I have: Turanganui-a-kiwa Our story, Horouta and Takitimu, Beach, Games, Travel and Better together. I chose these words because I come from  Turanganui-a-kiwa, Horouta and Takitimu are part of Turanganui-a-kiwa's history, Beach because I love going to the beach, Games because I like playing family board games, travel because I like to travel and better together because I think that things are always better when your together. I found it tricky to draw the patterns, I enjoyed painting the paragraphs. Here is my art work:


 This week we did wevideo's for Cybersmart. We could choose what we could do our wevideo's on but we had to have photos of them. I chose to do my wevideo on Rat traps. We had to use sisomo ( sight, sound and motion) to catch your eyes. It was tricky to get it done in time. I enjoyed making my wevideo. Next time I could do a voice over.Here is my wevideo:

Monday 24 August 2020

Reading interview

Last Week we read After the Spill. It was about a ship called the MV Rena that crashed in to the Astrolab reef and leaked oil everywhere. The oil washed up on beaches and killed loads of birds and sea life. We had to buddy up and do an interview. One person was the interviewer and the other was a beach cleaner. I was a beach cleaner and my buddy, Selina, was the interviewer. She asked questions and I answered. I found it tricky to video the interview and say my lines right. I enjoyed blogging it and making the props for it.

Here us my interview:

Friday 21 August 2020

Mary Word cloud

Last week we were learning about the Assumption of Mary for R.E. We had to use word cloud and make a word cloud with words that relate to the Assumption. It was really hard to think of lots of words and choose a shape that suited it. I enjoyed making my word cloud and choosing my shape.
Here is my word cloud:

Sacraments of Initiation

Today for R.E we were learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. We had to make a google slide that had the Sacrament, A Symbol of the Sacrament and the Ritual of the Sacrament. I enjoyed making my google slide, And I found it difficult to find good symbols.

Here is my google slide:


Thursday 20 August 2020

Bird Feeder

For reading this week and last week we have been making bird feeders. We brang milk bottles from home and made our bird feeders at school. I made mine out of a milk bottle, a wooden ledge for the bird to stand on and some sticks for a roof. I made the hole really big so birds of any size can get the food easily. We took a photo and put it on a google drawing with arrows pointing to the bits and why they are there. I enjoyed making my bird feeder and blogging it. It was really tricky to stick the twigs on. 
Here is my bird feeder google drawing:

Tuesday 18 August 2020

The Laughing Owl Report

For this week and last week we were studying NZ native animals. We had to write a report on a extinct NZ native animals, I chose the Laughing Owl. We had to use paragraphs and put our information in topics with subheadings. It was really hard to find information because The Laughing Owl is extinct and people don't know a lot about them. I enjoyed writing my report and blogging it. I think I should of put more sentences in each paragraph

Here is my report:

The laughing owl


The laughing owl is an extinct New Zealand bird that belongs to the Sceloglaux albifacies family. It got its name because it made a call that sounded like someone laughing. It was also called the white faced owl, whekau or hakoke.


The laughing owl was a brownish color, it had a white face and dark orange eyes and its beak was a yellowish orange colour.The males were mostly shorter than the females. It was 40 cm high and it weighed 600 grams. Its legs were covered in feathers and it had very sharp claws. 


It lived in the country and cliffs rather than bush and forests. They preferred to live in low rainfall areas and rocky cliff areas. It also lived in tree holes before the humans came and cut the trees down.  


The laughing owl mostly ate rodents, lizards, insects, frogs, small birds and earthworms. It sometimes ate baby tuatara. Before the humans arrived it ate some species native to New Zealand like kiwi and duck. 


Since the laughing owl nested on the ground lots of animals tried to kill it. Cats, Rats, Goats, Weasels, Stoats and ferrets were threats of the laughing owl.

Did you know that some people thought that if you played a tune on an accordion it would attract the laughing owl?

Here is the site that I found my information on:


13/ 8/ 2020


Monday 17 August 2020

Times Tables Check Up

 Today for maths we did a times tables check up. I am learning my 3 and 4 times tables and I know some of them but not all of them.  It was really tricky because there was a timer of 6 seconds to answer the question.  Here is a screenshot of my times tables at the end. Green means I got it right, red means I got it wrong and orange means I didn't press enter before the timer ended. 


Friday 14 August 2020

Ruru Art

 This week our class has been making ruru art. We got the idea from an artist called John Bevan fords. We used dye and we made the dyes blend by putting the dyes next to each other and they bled into each other. We drew lines and put patterns inside the lines like korus, triangles and circles. We blended yellow and orange for the eyes and used red for the eye brows and bags under its eyes. We used green and blue for the ruru and dark green and purple for the background. We had to put it on a google drawing and use arrows to point to the bits. When I was making my art I found it quite hard to make the dye blend without messing it up,

I enjoyed blending the colours and putting the patterns inside the lines,

Next time I could make the eyes a bit brighter,

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Faith Gif

For Today's Cybersmart lesson we were making gifs about faith. We used google slides and we used the information on the faith poster to make the set of slides. Then we went onto tall tweets and made our faith gifs. 

The faith gif started as a challenge about faith our term value. For the challenge we had to make a poster about faith and what it means to us. It had to have an antonym about faith, a synonym about faith, a bible quote about faith and the faith definition. 

While I was making the faith gif I found it really hard to make my slides in time to make it into a gif and put it on my blog.

I really enjoyed making the gif and playing with the colours of the background and fonts of the words.

Next time I would make the gif transition longer so you can have time to read it.

Friday 31 July 2020

Piwakawaka fact file

Today for reading we had to make a fact file on a chosen NZ native creature. I chose a Piwakawaka/ fantail. 
I enjoyed making my fact file,
I found it tricky to find interesting facts about the Piwakawaka,
Next time I would add a coloured background so it would POP!

Thursday 30 July 2020

Photo Collage

Today we were learning about how to make a photo collage, we used canva and google slides to make them. I made mine about the Tairawhiti rethink centre that we went to on Tuesday. We had to add words and photos of course!

I enjoyed making my photo collage,
I found it tricky to position the photos in the right place,
Next time I would change the font of the words,

July reflection

Today we were doing our July reflection. I like doing these monthly reflections because I like to reflect on my learning I have done through the month.

I enjoyed doing my reflection and putting my selfie in,
I found it tricky to add the photo on the special projects,
Next time I would add a coloured background,

Thursday 23 July 2020


This week we are learning about our term value which is faith, we had to make a poster about faith for a compitition that we are entering to win 25 blessing beads.

I enjoyed making my poster,
I found it tricky to find a quote for it,
next time I would add another quote.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

David Walliams fact file

This term room 1 is reading a book called Slime by David Walliams. Our reading task was to make a fact file about him.

I enjoyed making the fact file and decorating it,
I found it tricky to find the right information,
Next time I would add a colored background.

Report Writing

This week we were Unpacking reports ( taking them into bits ). We got into pairs and were given a level 3 report about lions, we cut it up and put it into paragraphs that made sense. This was the order they were supposed to go: Title, classification, description, habitat and dynamic fact. We sorted them into these paragraphs on a colored piece of paper and highlighted the mistakes.

I enjoyed resorting the paragraphs and highlighting the mistakes,
I found it tricky to put them in the right order,
Next time I would change the order they were in.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Matariki Breakfast

This Morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate Matariki. We had pancakes, waffles, toast, weetbix, fruit, bacon and eggs.
I enjoyed spending time with my friends and eating breakfast food,
Here are some photos of us having a feast and cooking our breakfast food:

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Matariki star

WALT- identify the main idea and evaluate ideas.
This week we are learning about Matariki for writing and reading. We made Matariki stars and used information that we learnt to put on them.
I enjoyed making my Matariki star and gathering information for it,
I found it tricky to use correct spelling and put the macrons in the right places,
Next time I would add more stars to make it more 3d,

Tuesday 30 June 2020

June Reflection

We are reflecting on our June work, so before July gets under way take a look at all the fun things we have been doing this month...
I enjoyed doing my June reflection and adding in the selfie,
I found it tricky to get it on my blog in time,
Here is all my work from June... Enjoy!

Thursday 25 June 2020

Matariki reading

This week for reading we had to discuss if Matariki should be a public holiday or not, then we had to make a google drawing showing why or why not Matariki should be a public holiday. We also researched about other holidays like Diwali, Chinese New Year and National donut day. These are all public holidays. We decided that national donut day shouldn't be a public holiday because you can have a donut any day.
Here is my google drawing on should Matariki be a public holiday:  

I enjoyed having our group discussion and making my google drawing,
I found it tricky to spell some things correctly,
Next time I would change the font on my google drawing,

Matariki explanation

WALT- use visual language features (such as headings charts or maps) to extend or clarify meaning and to engage our audience.
This week we have been learning about Matariki, for writing we had to write an explanation on Matariki. Our success criteria were to use subheadings, text boxes and pictures.
I enjoyed writing my explanation,
I found it tricky to use at least four sentences for each paragraph,
Next time I would use some text boxes,

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for a cluster of stars in the night sky. It is a sign of the start of the Māori new year. In June and July Matariki will appear in the night sky. During this time the Māori will remember those who have died, spend time with family and friends, enjoy games and kai, and plan for the future.

Our ancestors would look to Matariki to help them with their growing and harvesting of food. In April and May they would preserve their harvest for winter, when Matariki re-appeared in June and July they would read the stars to predict what the coming winter would be like. If the stars were clear winter would be warm. If they were hazy, winter would be cold.

How many stars are in the cluster of Matariki?
According to Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua the Matariki cluster has nine stars. The nine stars include: Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi. 
The nine stars 

Matariki means the eyes of God. Matariki is the star that represents reflection, hope, our connection with the environment and the meeting of people.


Pōhutukawa is the star that represents people who have died.


Waitī is connected to the fresh water and the sea food that lives in it.                .


Waitā is linked with the ocean and the sea food in it.
Waipuna-ā-Rangi is connected with the rain
Tupuānuku is the star connected with everything that grows in the soil that can be eaten
Ururangi is the star linked with the winds
Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the star who grants our wishes